- Stay at home with your dog or drive it to the countryside and return when the fireworks have finished.
- Keep your dog indoors. Avoid late afternoon and evening walks. Try to give the last chance for a pee after the fireworks have stopped.
- Close windows to reduce the bangs and shut curtains and keep bright lights on so that associated flashes can't be seen.
- Play loud music with a beat to reduce the impact of any bangs that occur outside.
- Try to keep your dog relaxed by playing with toys before the fireworks start and keep playing throughout.
- Don't reassure your dog if it looks apprehensive or frightened because this will accidentally increase its fear by giving it attention when it is a state of distress.
- If your dog is in a relaxed state when fireworks occur give it attention to reward it.
- Ignore fireworks yourself.
- Maintain your dog's access to any area it has already learn to go to as a means of coping.
- Don't move your dog if it is sheltering somewhere because you could cause it to become defensive.
- Pray for rain.
We have treatment of behavioral problems in dogs and cats. Owners of pets, whose behavior is causing concern, can consult with one of PETSVENTURA specialist behavioral. Consultations are held on a one-to-one basis, normally lasting 1½ to 2hrs and involve the practitioner, the pet and the pet’s family. The consultation may produce results very quickly, but often it will take time, effort and a commitment by all the family to work at it, to produce the improved behavior. Problems include all forms of aggression, separation problems, destructiveness, self mutilation, vocal behavior, toileting problems, marking, spraying, car travel, nervousness and more.
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