Google+ PetsVentura® : Taking the Buquebus Ferry from Buenos Aires, Argentina to Uruguay with your pets

Taking the Buquebus Ferry from Buenos Aires, Argentina to Uruguay with your pets


Buquebus (BOO-kay-boos) is the name of company which operates ferry services from Montevideo and Colonia to Buenos Aires.

Buquebus ferries run daily between Buenos Aires and two Uruguay destinations: Colonia and Montevideo. Colonia is a small historic town with cobblestone streets and restored buildings. Montevideo is the capital of Uruguay. The trip between Buenos Aires and Colonia takes 3 hours on the regular ferry or just 1 hour on the fast ferry. The trip to Montevideo takes 3 hours on the fast ferry

PETC (pet in cabin), it is allowed one per trip, which also does not exceed 6kgs including the kennel. Kennel measures: it should be of rigid material, with ventilation, impermeable base and its measures: 45x35x25 

The company does not provide the kennel. Pet`s bag will not be accepted!
Guided dogs: They travel in the cabin without the kennel and they travel freely, showing previously the training and vaccination certificate 

Important: all the animals have to present document of sales reservation, health certification, issued by the competent authority of each country.


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